12th Japan International MANGA Award


15th June 2018

Who may enter
The competition is open to non-Japanese manga artists.

The competition is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

You may submit only one MANGA containing more than 16 pages. There is no specific theme. Both published and unpublished works are eligible.

Your manga must be submitted in printed form.

To see past winners, visit http://www.manga-award.mofa.go.jp/prize/index_11_2.html

Entry fee
Entry is free.

The Gold Award and the Silver Award winners will be invited to Japan to attend the award ceremony. During their stay in Japan (generally for 10 days), they will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with Japanese cartoonists, visit publishing companies and make an excursion to local sites.

Please visit www.manga-award.mofa.go.jp/index_e.html to learn more about the competition.


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